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​‘Beyond Advocacy: Engaging with the Political in Music Education’. Collective keynote together with T. Laes, and G. López-Íñiguez and performcd with K. Thomson, D. Treacy, A. Odendaal, L. Olarte and P. Palanchoke. 36th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Helsinki, University of the Arts Helsinki, 28.7.–2.8. 2024.


What’s at the bottom of the iceberg? A dialogue on mental models and systems change in music and music education professionalism. Joint keynote with Sidsel Karlsen in the 13th International Society for Philosophy of Music Education (ISPME) Symposium, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway, June 14–16, 2023.


‘Why should children compose? From ego-logical to eco-logical rationality’. Keynote in the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS), 9th ISME European Regional Conference, Lyon University, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France, May 24–27, 2023.


‘Global visions through mobilizing network–Activism, cultural hybrids, and public pedagogy expanding professionalism in music education’. Joint Tobias Norlind -keynote with Rizu Tuladhar in the Swedish Musicology Society’s (Svenska Samfundet för Musikforskning) conference, June 15, 2021.


’Music & Arts Education in the 21st Century’ in the 46th European Music School Forum, Music and Art Education at the heart of European Society, European Music School Union (EMU), Bordeaux, France, May 14, 2020.


‘Culture as (re)organised diversity’: Rethinking the social and the cultural in agonistic music teacher education. Join keynote with Professor Sidsel Karlsen in the 14th Cultural Diversity in Music Education (CDIME) Conference, Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 16–19, 2019.


How Music Schools Justify Themselves: Meeting the Social Challenges of the 21st Century. Join keynote with Professor Lauri Väkevä in the First European Music School Research Symposium, The Future of Music Schools–today’s challenges and tomorrow’s solutions, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria, October 6–7, 2017.


Complex society and the return of moral education: Consequences for music teacher education. 10th International Research in Music Education -conference, Bath Spa University, UK, April 24–27, 2017.


Renarrating the future of music education: How society challenges our profession in the 21st century. Que Futuros Para a Música na educacäo. Encontro Nacional Apem 2016. Lissabon, Portugal, November 26, 2016.


Visions for intercultural music teacher education: Sociological angles and cross-cultural lessons from Finland, Israel, Cambodia and Nepal. 2nd International Conference on ‘Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures’ (BIBAC 2016), University of Cambridge, UK, July 30–August 1, 2016. 


Future narratives: Narrative mania or resource for activist music educators? The fifth International Conference on Narrative Inquiry in Music Education (NIME), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, May 21–23, 2016.


Visions for Collaboration, Inclusion and Social Activism in the Arts - Meeting the 21st Century Challenges, Keynote of the International GLOMUS camp, Borneo, Malaysia January 9, 2015.


Transforming pedagogical practices in music teacher training. Keynote of the 100 Years of Research, Innovation and Discourse in Education Conference, Levinsky College of Education, December 10–12, 2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Philosophy and practices in Finnish music education: Where does the success reside? Join lecture with Inga Rikandi. University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, April 28, 2012.


The social construction of musical talent. Joint keynote with Tuulikki Laes, Nordic Nordplus seminar, Social Justice and Inclusion in Music Education. Hedmark University College, Hamar, Norway, November 9–13, 2009.


Who needs theory anyway? Theory and Practice in Music Education in a Philosophical Outlook. Join keynote with Dr. Lauri Väkevä, Nordic Network for Music Pedagogy Conference, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, February 1–3, 2007.

Photo: Eeva Anundi

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